Fox. CrenFOX

Fox. CrenFOX

The request: Develop a new integrated campaign for “crenvursti” that will be the start of a new positioning.

The idea: Cui nu i se face poftă la un moment dat de Crenvurști? Sau se spune Cremvuști? Ori Crenvruști?

Parcă dintotdeauna crenvurștii fac parte din alimentația românilor. Îi mâncăm simpli, direct din frigider, fierți, cu muștar, cu ketchup și mustar, cu murături, cu brânză sau cașcaval, îmbrăcați în straie americane (hot-dog) și în tot felul de alte variante care mai de care mai originale. Pe cât de multe obiceiuri de consum există, tot atâtea pronunții ale “crenvurștilor” pornesc dezbateri lingvistice.

În acest context, una dintre cele mai mari companii de mezeluri românești, Fox, a venit cu un plan ‘salvator’, cu adevărat ambițios: redenumirea întregii categorii. Așa a apărut CrenFOX. E mult mai clar, mai simplu, și mai gustos.

HoReca Support
HoReca Support
HoReca Support
HoReca Support
HoReca Support
HoReca Support

HoReca Support

We gave a voice to the 400.000 people working in restaurants, all worried about their job’s security in the context of a pandemic. We conveyed powerful, creative messages, that were rooted in facts and the employees’ concerns about the situation.

Stalinskaya, Wembley Dry Gin, Rose Mary – Mixinside challenge

Stalinskaya, Wembley Dry Gin, Rose Mary – Mixinside challenge

The request: A digital campaign that invites bartenders to create a cocktail, using whatever they have around their homes + Wembley London Dry Gin, Rose Mary or Stalinskaya.

The idea: The campaign launched during Covid-19 lockdown, so we had to adapt our process of creation and production. Mix Inside encouraged people to ask for the drinks and film themselves mixing a cocktail successfully. Every week, we hosted an online event, where we presented the winners of the jury and public, all with an MC and live DJs. The campaign reached its target after only 1 week!

Porsche Taycan launch in Romania

Porsche Taycan launch in Romania

The request: Organize Porsche’s Taycan launch in Romania.

The idea: The concept, “Choose thrilling”, was felt throughout the whole event from the invitation, to the menu, culminating with an unexpected revealing. This was our first project with Porsche, and the foundation for the success of the ones that followed.

Mega Image – Photoshooting Bere
Mega Image – Photoshooting Bere
Mega Image – Photoshooting Bere

Mega Image – Photoshooting Bere

The request: Create design, concepts and content for Mega Image’s themed catalogues (Easter, store openings, beers) and special magazines (Children’s Day Activity Book-type gift).

The idea: We went for a contemporary design, with less “noise” as possible, friendly and modern colors, in order to put the products in the best light. We usually find a unifying concept for every project, to make it more of an experience, than a simple promo material.

Plicul Creativ
Plicul Creativ
Plicul Creativ

Plicul Creativ

The request: Rebrand and redesign a new type of product on Romania’s market – a surprise activity “envelope” for children.

The idea: We changed the name from “Creative art in envelope” to “The Creative Envelope”, and created a whole new design for the cover and the envelope’s content.

Mega Image – Catalog Paste

Mega Image – Catalog Paste

The request: Create design, concepts and content for Mega Image’s themed catalogues (Easter, store openings, beers) and special magazines (Children’s Day Activity Book-type gift).

The idea: We went for a contemporary design, with less “noise” as possible, friendly and modern colors, in order to put the products in the best light. We usually find a unifying concept for every project, to make it more of an experience, than a simple promo material.

Mega Image – Catalog Kids
Mega Image – Catalog Kids
Mega Image – Catalog Kids

Mega Image – Catalog Kids

The request: Create design, concepts and content for Mega Image’s themed catalogues (Easter, store openings, beers) and special magazines (Children’s Day Activity Book-type gift).

The idea: We went for a contemporary design, with less “noise” as possible, friendly and modern colors, in order to put the products in the best light. We usually find a unifying concept for every project, to make it more of an experience, than a simple promo material.

pate bucegi campanie vizuala
Pate Bucegi – Campanie vizuala (Start VACANTEI de vara)
pate bucegi campanie vizuala
Pate Bucegi – Campanie vizuala (Start VACANTEI de vara)

Pate Bucegi – Campanie vizuala (Start VACANTEI de vara)

The request: An attractive message placed along the highway leading to the seaside.

The idea: Our communication platform, „Pune cu varf!”, guided people to the seaside, again. This time, we created a new message, meant to give the tourists a gastronomical forecast. the Syndicate always makes sure that everyone’s well equiped.

adeziv moment
Adeziv Moment – campanie promo cu strop de CREATIVITATE
adeziv moment
Adeziv Moment – campanie promo cu strop de CREATIVITATE
adeziv moment
Adeziv Moment – campanie promo cu strop de CREATIVITATE

Adeziv Moment – campanie promo cu strop de CREATIVITATE

The request: Come up with an in-store promotional campaign for the summer

The idea: A simple KV with a design and copy that would attract the consumer’s interest for winning cool prizes. Also, we surprised the in-store clients with a unique moving & talking POSM

herbalife romania
Herbalife Romania – Campanie vizuala (PRIVITI cu alti ochi)
herbalife bucuresti
Herbalife Romania – Campanie vizuala (PRIVITI cu alti ochi)
herbalife romania
Herbalife Romania – Campanie vizuala (PRIVITI cu alti ochi)

Herbalife Romania – Campanie vizuala (PRIVITI cu alti ochi)

The request: Advertise Herbalife’s online nutrition platform

The idea: Give out a list of nutrition tips within a clean, attractive layout. It was the hook that made the audience want to know more.

Porsche Macan – eveniment VIP de lansare organizat de the Syndicate

Bucegi – Magicianul

Bucegi – Magicianul

The request: An integrated campaign, for a younger audience, without losing any relevance among older Pate Bucegi fans. Also, we had to find a solid platform, a tailored territory, that only this brand, the leader of its category, could occupy.

The idea: No matter what your rituals around the kitchen are, there’s ONE step that nobody ever misses: once you spread Pate Bucegi on bread, you’re gonna spread some more.

Spot publicitar pate Bucegi – tema Ingineria

Spot publicitar pate Bucegi – tema Ingineria

The request: An integrated campaign, for a younger audience, without losing any relevance among older Pate Bucegi fans. Also, we had to find a solid platform, a tailored territory, that only this brand, the leader of its category, could occupy.

The idea: No matter what your rituals around the kitchen are, there’s ONE step that nobody ever misses: once you spread Pate Bucegi on bread, you’re gonna spread some more.

Spot publicitar pate Bucegi – tema Sportivul

Spot publicitar pate Bucegi – tema Sportivul

The request: An integrated campaign, for a younger audience, without losing any relevance among older Pate Bucegi fans. Also, we had to find a solid platform, a tailored territory, that only this brand, the leader of its category, could occupy.

The idea: No matter what your rituals around the kitchen are, there’s ONE step that nobody ever misses: once you spread Pate Bucegi on bread, you’re gonna spread some more.

supliment alimentar
Supliment alimentar puriFICAT – CREATIVITATEA in grafica publicitara
grafica publicitara
Supliment alimentar puriFICAT – CREATIVITATEA in grafica publicitara
halat medical
Supliment alimentar puriFICAT – CREATIVITATEA in grafica publicitara

Supliment alimentar puriFICAT – CREATIVITATEA in grafica publicitara

The request: The brand identity for a new natural supplement that protects the liver

The idea: The name is a clever combination of two words – pure, liver. Once put together, they create the word purified. They are clearly separated within the logo, but it’s also easy to see them as one

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